
Reliable hosting and proactive technical support are essential for every organisation, to protect not only your website or app, but your online brand and organisations reputation.

We understand how critical it is for your loyal customers, important stakeholders, investors, members or staff to have a great experience interacting with your organisation, every single time.

This is why we partner with the leading hosting partners like Rackspace, AWS and Azure, and provide our clients with a technical support insurance policy to offer peace of mind that we’re proactively monitoring their services, and are prepared to quickly respond in case of any technical difficulties.

Customer focused

Technical support

We provide a comprehensive level of technical support and after sales service to protect your online brand and digital presence, offering peace of mind that your services are proactively supported and carefully monitored 24/7.

Our tech support includes monitoring and alerts, security updates, proactive reviews, backup, disaster recovery, regression testing, and most importantly, excellent reporting and transparency so our clients have visibility

Website hosting

Reselling the best-in-class services ensures we can provide our clients with the best reliability, performance, security and solutions on the market.

In our effort to reduce the burden of website hosting for our clients, we strive to take full responsibility and accountability for everything connected to hosting including domains, SSL certificates, DNS, CDN services, compliance, security and even GDPR.


Website security strategy

Website security is the topic of many questions and an area we take extremely seriously. We adopt a robust 4 tier approach to securing your digital services;

  1. Cloud firewalls are used to filter traffic before it arrives at the web server hosting your site or application. We use either Cloudflare, Stackpath or Amazons Cloudfront.
  2. We use managed services which means the hosting vendor manages the network security on our behalf which includes DDoS prevention.
  3. Server firewall’s are used which use open rulesets like Atomic ModSecurity to block know sources of bad traffic.
  4. And we use a web application firewall like Wordfence as the final form of defence.

You can read our full security strategy here.