Content Strategy

Content strategy is all about planning, creating, delivering, and governing content. This includes not only the written words on a page, but also images and multimedia. Having high-quality, easily accessible content on your website is key to providing a good user experience.

Our team specialises in creating custom digital content that engages and informs your audience. We have a mix of creative talent and technical expertise that allows us to develop truly unique and effective solutions for our clients.

If you’re having trouble planning for the upcoming year or need some fresh ideas to include in your current content strategy, then read on.

Ground Skips website on mobile and laptop

Best Practices for Creating Meaningful Content

  • Reflect your organisation’s goals and user’s needs. Your organisation’s goals should reflect the needs of your users. You can learn about your users’ needs through market research, user research, and web metrics analysis.
  • Understand how user’s think and speak about a subject. Organise your content in a way that makes sense to your users, and you’ll also improve your search engine optimisation (SEO).
  • Communicate to people in a way that they understand.  Embracing plain writing principles helps with this.
  • Be useful. By being purposeful in the content that you include, and omit the needless.
  • Stay up-to-date and and remain factual. When new information becomes available, update your content or archive it.
  • Be accessible to all people.  You have a responsibility to make sure that all people can access and benefit from your information.
  • Be consistent.  Following style guides, both for language and design, helps people understand and learn what you are trying to communicate.
  • Be able to be found.  Make sure that users can find your content both through internally through navigation and also externally through search engines.
  • Help define the requirements for the overall site.  Content should drive design, structure, etc

Content Lifecycle

Producing compelling and sustainable content means that you need to understand and follow the content lifecycle.

  • Audit and Analysis: Conduct stakeholder interviews, competitive analysis, objective analysis and evaluation of the content environment.
  • Strategy: Determine ownership areas, taxonomy, workflow for content production, voice and brand definition.
  • Plan: Decide on the right content management system (CMS), metadata plan, communications plan, and migration plan.
  • Create: Write content, produce assets, conduct quality assurance, and alway make time for search engine optimisation.
  • Maintain: Plan for regular auditing, determine measurable targets for success, and implement a model for continuous improvement.

The very best content strategies are those that focus on getting you noticed in the searches that bring the best customers to your website. In short, it’s not about being popular or following the latest trend, it’s about relevance, accessibility and being there when customers need you.

We look at the bigger picture to help you grow your audience and achieve your business goals through a fully formed content strategy that includes:

  • Written content
  • Video content
  • Social content
  • Podcast content
  • Ad content
  • Content calendars

Get in touch for a content strategy conversation with us today.

Meet Ben

Get in touch with Ben to discuss your content challenges.

Find out how great content can help you to succeed online across all digital channels.