Cambridge BID awards Granite 5 contract to deliver digital consultancy to local businesses

2 min read

After a competitive tendering process, Cambridge BID, which is focused on creating a world-class experience for all who visit, live, and work in Cambridge, has awarded Granite 5 the contract to support local Cambridge businesses with strategic digital marketing consultancy.

This new digital consultancy is being introduced after Cambridge BID recently secured funding from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Growth Fund to help visitor economy businesses recover from the COVID pandemic.

Digital marketing agency Granite 5 was appointed after a competitive tendering process to work with a number of businesses within the BID area, to review their current digital footprint and inbound marketing, and to provide recommendations of how to grow and maximise their digital presence and investment.

Granite 5 commented: “It’s a great opportunity to work with Cambridge BID and local businesses to explore how best to engage and interact with their online audiences to drive engagement, interaction, and growth. Our specialists in inbound marketing, content, social, SEO, design, tech and accessibility are all involved in the review process to ensure we have every angle covered.”

Further support is being provided by Cambridge BID in the form of a capital grant scheme which was launched in May. The aim of this grant is to provide BID levy payers with the opportunity to apply for financial assistance towards a project that enhances their customer-facing offer. This can include digital changes and therefore some businesses can apply to the grant to implement the delivery of the recommendations provided by Granite 5.

Helen Hames from Cambridge BID commented: “The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact for many businesses. Through securing this grant from the Combined Authority, we are hoping to provide Cambridge businesses with valuable support as they reopen. Over the last 18 months having a digital presence has been so important and by facilitating businesses working with Granite 5 to understand how they might improve this in the future we are creating resilience and in turn, further promoting the unique offer we have in Cambridge.”

More info can be found here.

About Cambridge BID

Cambridge Business Improvement District (BID) is a collaboration of 1,200 businesses, working together to promote and improve the city.  This is achieved through a range of projects under three themes, Welcome, Experience and Support. Key projects are the Cambridge City Ambassadors, the Love Cambridge Gift Card, our citywide Xmas lights programme, the Love Cambridge summer film and night markets in the Market Square, the Visit Cambridge Website, additional street cleaning, our Mystery Shop programme and the Love Cambridge Restaurant week.

A second BID term was successfully voted for in November 2017 ensuring further project delivery until March 2023. For more information visit

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