Designing the best experience for your users

We take a user-focused approach to delivering smart interfaces and experiences.

Putting the needs of the user first means we deliver the right content, using the most appropriate interfaces, compatible with the right technology.


  • Responsive design
  • Accessible design
  • User-centred design
  • User interface design
  • User experience deign.
Manufacturing website design for DC Norris
Home page content desktop and mobile

UX (user experience) design

In order to design the best user experience, we start by building a thorough understanding of your different types of user. We need to learn their motivations for using your site or app, what they need, their  expected journey through the site, any existing pain points, what success looks like, etc.

Armed with this information, we can design an experience which delivers ease of use; intuitive navigation, relevant content, suitable presentation, clear signposting etc.

The ultimate aim is for your user to get what they need quickly, and take action. Simple!

UI (user interface) design

Designing the aesthetics, look and feel of your site is the final step of the design process.

We always aim to deliver a branded experience so that your on and offline materials feel part of the same family, and deliver the same clear message.

UI design is about styles, space, colour, graphics, typography, photographic styles, and the rich little elements and flourishes that deliver the visual presentation – often the difference required for a site to look visually professional, cheap, premium, quality, friendly, slick, etc.