Online Hearing Care was setup during COVID lockdown, offering an advanced hearing test from the comfort of your home.

Alongside a remote consultation with a specialist audiologist, consumers benefit from the same professional service and high-end testing equipment as they would visiting a store.

We took an agile approach with this project, favouring working software over comprehensive documentation, and responding to change over following a plan.

  • Strategy
  • WordPress development
  • Woocommerce customisation
  • Continuous improvement.

Seeking incremental change with a continuous improvement programme

Adopting a continuous approach meant that we could launch the site early, enabling us to learn about user behaviour, and continually release new features and improvements.

The most recent addition to the site is the Split-it payment gateway, allowing customers to spread their payment over 3 or 6 months, which was identified as a critical new feature from customer feedback.

We are constantly learning valuable insights from user behaviour and analytics data. This allows us to frequently propose improvements around conversion, user experience and search performance.


The site was more complicated than we initially planned, but thanks for working with us to get it over the line, it’s looking fantastic and I’m sure it will be a great success.


Richard Tucker, Chief Executive Officer

Online Hearing Care